Dark Knight of the Soul
After walking through, what I can only describe as one of life’s greatest shit shows, I found myself in a place of complete physical, emotional & psychological depletions. It was in this time that I learnt exactly how important it is to truly know & understand my own self- worth.
It was important for me to remember that, in these times of struggle, that we grow on a personal level the most. It’s what drives us to become the unstoppable force that we were always destined to become.
And so, I share this with you because without this self-awareness, we may tend to except less than what it is we really do deserve in life. Self-worth is really the awareness of knowing exactly who we are as a person & exactly what we want in life & not allowing anyone else to make these decisions for us.
In the spiritual world, times like this are referred to as the Dark Knight of the Soul. In the medical world it is referred to, as a state of depression. It is in these times it is incredibly easy to adopt a victim mentality mindset. Regardless of what you personally referred to this as, to be able to step out of this darkness, we need to understand that this type of darkness isn’t happening to us, it is happening for us. To help us grow & strengthen our resilience, for our future ahead.
And in these times of darkness, we fight our hardest fight, to find all of the courage, strength & determination to continue to chase our wildest dreams & the life and love that we truly deserve, regardless of what anyone else might think.
It is easy enough to want to give up in these times. But my advice is “Don’t ever give up, keep chasing your dreams.” Because it is when things seem almost impossible, that a change for the better presents itself. So always keep in mind that, what is meant for us in life, will always find its way to us. In my experience not all bad things come from times of darkness. In the midst of my chaos, I found the deepest type of unconditional love & mutual respect, not only in another person, but also in the person I continue to become.
My advice is that while we continue to manifest the life we dream of, in the meantime chase all of the people, places & things that you genuine love & allow life to Surprise you in the most extraordinary ways.